Failure has touched the lives of everyone at some point. Because of this fact, you know how horrible it can make you feel. No wonder you strive to avoid it at all costs! But the problem is that this fear of failure can become one of your biggest life fears.
Fear of failure is a fear of the great unknown.
You don’t know what’s truly out there, and so you’re scared. You might even be tempted to give up entirely in order to avoid failure. You’ll soon realize that not trying at all is the ultimate failure because there is no way to win without trying. How can you overcome this fear and gain the confidence you need to seek the life you desire?
Consider trying one or more of these actions steps:
Don’t Be Afraid Of Help
The fear of failure is very common. You might feel like you’re alone, but you’re not. Sometimes the fear of failure has less to do with what is happening now, or what might happen in the future, and more to do with some painful historical trauma. Your brain has stored information about times you have failed in the past, and that data may be interfering with your ability to take risks in the present. Your brain may be sending the message that taking a risk is dangerous, and to your brain, that may feel like a threat to your survival. We are wired to survive at all costs, so it would make sense that your brain may send the message not to attempt something that might result in failure again!
Our TIPP method is designed to help clear away the data that may be interfering with your ability to take risks. To learn more about our TIPP method visit our website at www.inspiredperformanceinstitute.com.
The Long Term
After you’ve mastered your fear of a particular situation, keep at it in order to stay on top of your fears. The key is consistency and positive thoughts. Remember that there are always lessons to be learned on your journey, even if you’ve failed. Keep at it and good things will come!