Panic attacks can feel like an unsolvable mystery to those who experience them. These sudden bouts of intense fear and discomfort can strike without warning, causing physical symptoms that can be terrifying and debilitating. However, recent developments in neuroscience and psychology suggest that panic attacks can be understood, managed, and even eliminated.
These advancements in neuroscience and therapeutic interventions have paved the way for innovative solutions to manage and overcome these distressing episodes. One such effective approach is The Inspired Performance Program (TIPP), which we’ll cover later in this guide.
Panic attacks are defined as discrete periods of intense fear and discomfort, usually peaking within minutes and often occurring without a clear activator or cue.
These attacks are characterized by symptoms such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, and feelings of unreality. They can occur in a range of psychiatric disorders and are associated with increased disease morbidity, higher rates of comorbidity, and poorer treatment response.
Panic attacks can be classified into two types: Expected and unexpected.
Expected panic attacks are typically activated by specific situations or cues, whereas unexpected panic attacks seem to occur ‘out of the blue’.
This latter type, which appears spontaneous and without a clear activator, has been a primary focus of research in the quest for effective treatments.
Recent studies have shown that panic attacks, especially unexpected ones, might not be as ‘spontaneous’ as they seem. These attacks are often preceded by significant physiological changes, even if the individual is not consciously aware of them.
One such study conducted by Southern Methodist University discovered that panic symptoms began up to one hour before the onset of a full-blown attack.
The researchers found patterns of instability across a number of autonomic and respiratory variables detected as early as 47 minutes before panic onset.
These instabilities, or “bouts”, are often initiated by heart rate accelerations and followed by changes in respiration, such as decreases in tidal volume and increases in carbon dioxide levels.
At the onset of a panic attack, heart rate and tidal volume increase, and carbon dioxide levels drop. This pattern of physiological changes is thought to contribute to the intense fear and discomfort experienced during a panic attack.
The findings suggest that the mind prepares for a fight or flight response, characterized by these physiological changes, long before the individual becomes aware of the impending attack.
Contrary to the common perception that panic attacks occur “out of the blue”, evidence suggests that they may be preceded by detectable physiological changes. However, these changes are often not recognized by the individual until the attack is underway.
This may be due to a lack of sensitivity to internal bodily sensations, or interoceptive awareness, which is a common feature of panic disorder.
Alpha brain waves, which are prominent during states of relaxation and focused attention, may play a key role in managing panic attacks.
Research has shown that when alpha brain waves are prominent, the mind is clear of unwanted thoughts and intently focused. If a thought or sensation arises that is incongruent with the present situation, the brain will shift to a higher brainwave state, such as beta, resulting in increased mental activity and potentially activating a panic attack.
The Inspired Performance Institute’s Program (TIPP) offers a unique approach to harnessing the power of alpha brain waves to enhance mental clarity, reduce the effects of traumatic events, and improve overall health and well-being.
TIPP is a patented technique used to consciously alter brain waves using direct feedback. This method is unique and produces much faster results than traditional coping mechanisms.
The program’s success lies in its ability to significantly reduce or eliminate the physiological instabilities preceding panic attacks, helping individuals stay present routinely.
When Kirk came to see me, he had already endured 30 years of relentless panic attacks, resulting in over $100,000 in medical expenses. Over this time, he frequently rushed to the emergency ward, convinced that he was suffering from a heart attack. The severity of his condition escalated to the point where Kirk endured 10 to 20 panic attacks each day. Every single day, Kirk thought he’s going to die.
Kirk tirelessly explored every available medication and treatment option, yet none yielded positive results.
However, everything changed when he went through the TIPP method. His panic attacks became almost non-existent, he’s calmer, happier and is finally able to live his life without feeling like he’s going to die all the time. Inspired by the profound impact of the program, Kirk has joined our team, dedicated to assisting others in overcoming their traumas and living a happier life.
TIPP employs a four-step process to help individuals overcome panic attacks.
In the initial four-hour interactive session, the mind is updated, rebooted, refreshed, and adjusted using the NEURO (Neuro Engagement Using Recall Optimization) process. This process allows the individual to reprocess and reframe past traumatic events, changing the emotional response to these experiences.
The second step in the TIPP process involves reinforcing the individual’s highlights, successes, priorities, and values. This “banking” process serves as an important resource for future performance, allowing the mind to recall these positive experiences in stressful situations.
The third step of the TIPP process involves daily audios that guide the mind to rewire old habits and behaviors, what we refer to as codes. These audios, coupled with the power of repetition, strengthen the neural networks associated with optimal performance.
The final step involves deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which enhances alpha brain wave activity and results in a creativity boost.
TIPP is a cutting-edge neuroscience approach that harnesses the power of alpha brain waves to help individuals manage and overcome panic attacks. By promoting alpha brain wave activity, the TIPP program helps individuals achieve a state of inner calm and focus, allowing them to effectively manage and even prevent panic attacks.
Repetition and positive thinking are key components of the TIPP program. Regular practice of the techniques learned in the TIPP program helps to reinforce the changes in brain wave activity, leading to lasting improvements in the management of panic attacks. This process is facilitated by daily audio sessions, which guide individuals through the techniques and help to reinforce positive thinking patterns and codes.
The Vagus nerve, the primary component of the parasympathetic nervous system, plays a crucial role in maintaining mental and physical health. It regulates the “rest-and-digest” or freeze responses, acting as the brakes to the “fight-or-flight” response driven by the sympathetic nervous system. High vagal tone, characterized by a slight increase of heart rate during inhalation and a decrease during exhalation, is associated with physical health, positive emotions, and positive social connections.
The Patented Alpha Performance Alert System
The Inspired Performance Institute can also provide a cutting-edge solution to managing and preventing panic attacks in the form of the ALPHA Performance wearable device. What if we could alert an individual to the onset of a panic attack up to an hour before it occurs? It’s now possible through a wearable device that will detect a change in the oxygen levels in the blood and set the system into response mode. This innovative device can detect the onset of a panic attack an hour before the individual feels their first symptoms. This advanced notice allows the individual to implement the TIPP protocol and shut down the panic symptoms before they escalate into a state of overwhelm.
While panic attacks can be a distressing and debilitating experience, they are not unsolvable. Advances in neuroscience and psychology have provided valuable insights into the physiological and psychological mechanisms underlying panic attacks, paving the way for effective treatments. With the right help and support, individuals can learn to manage their panic attacks and regain control over their lives.
The TIPP program, with its focus on enhancing alpha brain wave activity and promoting positive thinking, offers a promising approach to managing panic attacks. With practice and persistence, individuals can learn to harness the power of their own brain waves to conquer their panic attacks and improve their overall well-being.