Most people don’t realize just how much their environment affects them. You might think that inner work alone (therapy, meditation, self-improvement) is enough to transform your mental health. But the truth is, no matter how much effort you put into personal growth, the environment around you will always influence your progress.
If you’re feeling stuck, anxious or overwhelmed, it might not just be an internal issue.
It could be your surroundings.
Have you ever wondered why some people thrive while others seem trapped in a cycle of stress and negativity? It’s not just about mindset, it’s also about atmosphere.
I’ve seen this firsthand with people in addiction recovery. Someone will come to us, go through the TIPP program, and start making incredible progress. But then, they return to their old environment with the same negative influences and toxic relationships, and their recovery collapses.
Imagine a struggling flower in a garden. You take it to an expert who nurtures it, and gives it sunlight, healthy soil and water. After 30 days, the flower is thriving. But if you plant it back in the same poor soil, what happens? It starts to wilt again.
The same is true for your mental health. If you want real, lasting change, you have to create an environment that nourishes your growth.
That means surrounding yourself with people, places, and habits that support your transformation and avoiding ones that drag you back into old cycles.
A woman I was working with was doing great in her healing journey until she had one unpleasant talk with her mother and sister. They said, “You always say you’re going to change, but you never do.” That single conversation sent her spiraling back into self-doubt. That’s the power of the environment.
Even when you’re making progress, a toxic atmosphere can pull you right back into old patterns.
Sometimes, recognizing that our environment is draining us isn’t easy.
When you’ve spent years in a certain lifestyle or relationship dynamic, it can feel normal—even if it’s slowly wearing you down. You adapt, you push through, and you convince yourself this is just how life is.
But take a step back. If you constantly feel exhausted, anxious, or unfulfilled, your environment might be the reason. The people, habits, and spaces you surround yourself with either fuel your energy or drain it.
Pay attention. What’s lifting you up? What’s pulling you down? The first step to change is awareness.
If you think your environment might be affecting your mental health, here are a few warning signs to watch for.
If any of these sound familiar, it might be time to make a change.
You don’t always have control over where you are but you do have control over how you engage with your environment.
Sometimes we get so used to dysfunction that we don’t even realize it’s holding us back. The first step is recognizing when your environment is hurting you.
Ask yourself: Is this place or relationship making me feel stronger or weaker? Am I in an atmosphere that supports my growth? Do I feel safe, encouraged, and empowered here?
Not every environment is easy to change but small adjustments can make a big difference.
If your home feels chaotic, create a small space that feels peaceful. If work is stressful, set boundaries around negative conversations. If certain relationships drain you, limit your interactions and protect your energy.
Even subtle changes can help create a more positive atmosphere.
A dear client of mine was struggling with a deeply challenging relationship with her mother. No matter what she did, it never seemed good enough. Things became even more complicated when she became a mom herself—her mother always seemed to have advice on how she could do better. Now, her mom wasn’t a bad person; she simply didn’t know any other way to show concern and love. But to my client, this constant stream of unsolicited advice felt overwhelming and exhausting.
So, we worked together to create a simple, yet powerful strategy: polite but firm boundaries. The next time they met to play tennis, when her mom began to offer her usual advice, my client calmly said, “Mom, I know you care and love me. But I’d really like to focus on playing tennis now. Can we do that?”
It took a few attempts, but her mom eventually understood the message: stay in your lane and let’s enjoy this quality time together. Setting those boundaries didn’t just improve their relationship—it also worked wonders for my client’s mental health.
Sometimes, the key to improving a relationship isn’t changing the other person, but creating space for your own needs to be heard.
Not everyone deserves full access to your time and energy. A powerful way to manage this is by thinking in terms of energy percentages.
When you wake up, you have 100% of your energy available. How much of that do you want to give to people or situations that drain you? If someone is consistently negative or critical, maybe they only deserve 5% of your energy. The remaining 95% can go to people and activities that uplift and support you.
Consider how you’re distributing your energy throughout the day. If you’re giving 50% to your boss and work, and another 20% to dealing with a frustrating traffic jam, what’s left for yourself, your family, or your loved ones?
Remember, your energy is finite. You get to choose who gets the most of it. Prioritize wisely.
You can’t always leave a job, move to a new home, or cut ties with family overnight. But what you can change is how you respond.
Take this story from Zig Ziglar, one of the greatest motivational speakers of all time.
A woman came to him and complained, “Everything at my job is terrible. Everyone is incompetent.”
Zig asked her, “What do you like about your job?” She said, “Nothing.”
He pressed: “Do you like getting paid?” She nodded.
“Do you like having weekends off?” She nodded again.
Little by little, he helped her shift her perspective. She still didn’t love her job, but she began to see that it wasn’t all bad and started seeing the power of positivity.
When you feel stuck in a toxic environment, sometimes the first step is shifting how you engage with it. Small changes can help you regain a sense of control before you start making changes.
Your environment matters. It can either nourish your growth or hold you back. But here’s the good news: you have the power to change it.
Recognizing when your environment is affecting your mental health gives you control. Make changes where you can, no matter how small. Protect your energy and choose who gets access to it. Shift your perspective when full change isn’t possible.
If you want to change your life for the better but don’t know where to start, I suggest you take a look at our program, TIPP (The Inspired Performance Program).
We’ve helped over 1,000 people overcome anxiety, depression, and burnout, empowering them to perform at their highest levels—whether at work, in sports, or in everyday life.
Would you like to learn more? Book a call with a TIPP advisor to find out more.