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Watch These Amazing
Success Stories

Depression and Anxiety

Mario rebounded from amputation and overcame drug addiction as he talks about how Dr. Don Wood and the TIPP program saved his life


Meet Rebekah – A Survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing – She Tried Therapy & Medication But Nothing Worked Until She Tried the TIPP Method.


Sunny went through the program after being wrongfully convicted of murder and released after 17 years of incarceration!

Panic Attacks

Like Kirk Who Suffered From Panic Attacks & Anxiety Before He Got Rid of Them For Good After Doing the TIPP Method


Prince Fielder overcame his anxiety and discovered a new sense of calmness and focus. After completing the TIPP session, he unlocked his potential for higher performance, allowing ideas to flow effortlessly and putting him in an incredible state of mind.


Rena discusses post-traumatic stress and how the program gave her her life back. “everything was brighter”

Depression and Anxiety

Romalin speaks about her journey to overcome anxiety and how the program changed her life by helping her leave the past behind

General Trauma

Diana talks about regaining her self-confidence, reframing childhood trauma and replacing traditional therapy with TIPP

Depression and Anxiety

Watch Andrina talk about how the program quickly and gently helped her overcome anxiety and panic attacks and improve her life




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