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Unleash Your Peak Potential

TIPP helps professional athletes, C-level executives, and top performers move beyond what’s holding them back so they can reach their ambitious goals.

As Seen On

“Going through the TIPP program with Dr. Wood was amazing. I’m calmer, the ideas seem to flow easier, everyday life seems to be a little smoother. Anxiety that I had is just gone. I can’t recommend this enough, it’s an amazing experience.”


If you’re constantly seeking the next edge and pushing your limits, TIPP is for you.

You’re determined to reach the top, you put in the work, and you’ve spent years perfecting your skill, but something is still missing.

  • You find yourself dwelling on your choices and results.
  • You struggle to stay focused, letting distractions stop your progress.
  • You refuse to settle and want to reach the top.
  • You’re tired of vague advice and solutions that don’t deliver.
  • You’re afraid of falling behind or losing your edge.
  • You’re determined to live your best life and are ready for change.
With TIPP, you’ll gain a research-backed edge and reach levels of success and accomplishment like never before.

When You Go Through TIPP Program, You Will:

Reboot Your Brain

Remove the glitches in your mind and prime your brain for peak performance.

Improve Your Focus

You'll learn how to stay present and in the moment no matter what.

Calm Your Mind

Quiet the noise and learn how to stay calm when the stakes are high.

Boost Your Performance

Once the glitches are removed you'll have more energy to achieve your goals.

Stop Wasting Energy

Instead of draining your energy on worry and stress, you'll learn how to refocus in seconds.

Improve Relationships

Spend less time worrying and more time present with your family and friends.

Improve Your Sleep

Recharge and recover faster and better so you can give your best each day.

Live Your Best Life

Feel the calm, bliss and joy of living in a higher performance state.

What Other High-Performers Are Saying About Us:


I went through the program, ran my race a month later, and I improved 15 seconds each mile because each time I was running and something was trying to distract me, I reminded myself I needed my mind to be at where I was at the time. I kept my mind where I was each mile, and I ran the fastest time ever run by someone on prosthetics.

Marco Cheseto Athlete in track and field and cross country running. BECAME A WORLD RECORD HOLDER AFTER COMPLETING THE TIPP PROGRAM AND GOT SIGNED BY NIKE

The second I walked away from my experience with Dr. Wood I felt different. I felt like my toes had uncurled. I felt like the weight was lifted off my shoulders. But most of what I felt was clarity, and I haven't felt that kind of clarity in a long time. In fact, it was the first time that I slept completely through the night, without the night sweats, without the terrors.

Scott Mann, Ret. Lt. Col. Former Special Forces Green Beret, Founder Of Rooftop Leadership

Dr. Wood and his team are fantastic. I just wanted to level things up in my life and business and I’ve been pretty shocked by the results. Instantly after the program my deep sleep went up and daily high stress went down. I’ve had dreams (which I haven’t had in years) and feel like there is less ‘weight’ I’m carrying around (best way I can describe it). It’s a great feeling.

Zach Mitchem Entrepreneur

With TIPP Program, You’ll Finally Reach Peak Performance in Every Area of Your Life

As a top performer—professional athlete, business leader or entrepreneur—you face unique challenges.

Deep down you know you have untapped potential, and you’re always looking for another edge, however, you’re still not where you want to be. Sometimes this causes anxiety, stress, and self-doubt, leading you to lose sleep or withdraw. It leaves you wondering, do you really have what it takes? 

I’ve seen this exact challenge in professional athletes, top CEOs, Olympic medalists, and other high performers. However, there is nothing wrong with you—and there’s nothing wrong with your mind. The reason you’re unable to reach your next level is because your mind has developed glitches and error messages in how it stores information about your past. 

Your mind operates in the present, and sees old events as if they’re happening now, constantly trying to fix them. This creates a never-ending loop running in your subconscious mind that interferes with your ability to stay present and perform at your highest level. 

All you need is a reset, and that’s exactly what the TIPP program will do for you.

We’ve helped professional golfers, Fortune 500 CEOs, NFL stars and other high performers achieve incredible results - and we can do the same for you. TIPP (The Inspired Performance Program) is specifically designed to help reset your mind and restore your body to optimal states of health, performance, and wellness so you can raise your performance to championship level. 

Unlock Your Full Potential—Compete at the Highest Level in Work and Life

Reboot your mind and release your untapped potential so you can live the life of your dreams. 




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Our mission at The Inspired Performance Institute is to make the impossible, possible. We have successfully done that for thousands of people around the world and want the same for you.
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